The Comparison Game
What are the things that keep you up at night? Do you worry that you're not enough, you don't have the right clothes, the right hair, the right body type...blah blah blah? I totally get that - I think we all have those days, moments, heck...even years!
The thing is, when we start thinking that way, we need to inject a dose of reality into the situation. Look around you, what do you see? There's always someone who has it way worse than you, right? If your hair is driving you crazy, you don't have to look very far to see someone who's dealing with cancer and has no hair; or, if you think you're body isn't just right, it won't take you long to find someone who has lost a limb or whose body is failing them. Whatever it is that you're worried about, just take a look around, and pretty soon you'll be counting your blessings. Perspective can be a beautiful thing!
When you think you're not enough, it may be a little harder to gain perspective, but that's when you need to take a little inventory, and really be honest about what you have to offer - not what you think OTHERS think you have to offer, but what you REALLY do.
It's so easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others - you DO know that comparison is the thief of joy, right? So why spend so much time comparing yourself to others? Who cares what they're doing, wearing, eating, saying...? What are YOU doing, what do YOU have to say? That's what matters - take an objective look at yourself and consider what others may be admiring about YOU and comparing themselves to YOU about...the fact that you are.. artistic, musical, have parents who love you, are comfortable in your own skin, a good student, athletic, compassionate, have a heart for others...?
Don't waste time worrying about what you're not - spend time capitalizing on and celebrating what you ARE. Being authentic is an amazing thing. We were all created individually and uniquely, which is why comparing yourself to someone else just doesn't work. No one can do what YOU can do! Think of one thing that you are good at, and OWN it...ROCK it!